Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Let's start with an investment figure of $100,000. If you wanted to maximize your return, where would you put it?

Had you invested that money in Contra Costa Real Estate in 1997, the average return was 216%by 2007 for a dollar value of $1,082,000.

In a normal stock market that brought an average anual return of 10%, your ten year value would be $235,000. In a bull market with 15% average appreciation, your ten year value would be $351,000..

Right now Contra Costa homes are the lowest they have been since 2004 or 2005 depending on the particular city. Interest rates are hovering around 6%, the lowest for many, many years.

We don't have crystal balls that show us the future of any market. However, I believe Will Rogers said something to the effect of buying land because they aren't making more of it...

With Bay Area home demand remaining high, I think that is good counsel today...